Legal notice and confidentiality policy

Legal Notice First
– Ley de Servicios de Sociedad de la Información (Information Society Services Act)

In compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11July, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce, and European Directive 2000/31/EC, we hereby inform you that this website belongs to INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS CABELLO R, S.L. with Tax Identification Code B81719460 and registered office at C/ MAGDALENA, 36, 28012, MADRID, registered in the Companies Register of MADRID, Volume 12260 Folio Section 29M Sheet number 191194.

For the purposes of compliance with Law 34/2002, of 11 July, on information society services and electronic commerce, hereinafter LSSI, and Organic Law 3/18, of 5 December, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, the owner of the domain informs you that the purpose of the Website is advertising and informative, and also offers the possibility of contacting, requesting more detailed information on the services of the company, as well as opening an account for the purchase of products through the means of payment of the same, being the Terms and Conditions of sale available to the user.

You can contact the owner of the site at the following address:

C/ MAGDALENA, MADRID36,28012, Telephone: – 913692423E mail:


Second. -. Purpose of the website
The purpose of this page is to provide information on the company’s services, as well as to manage the contracting of products through the website itself.

The website has contact details through which users can contact the company for the purposes envisaged in each case, according to the regulation of the clauses of the Portal.

This legal notice sets out the conditions of use of the portal.


Third: User access conditions.
The user undertakes to use the information contained in this Internet site exclusively for the purposes of the Portal, not carrying out any type of commercial exploitation other than
authorised uses.
The user of the website shall have the right to free and unrestricted access to the public information contained therein, although INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS CABELLO R, S.L.  right to restrict access to certain sections and services of the Portal to registered users.

Mere access to the Portal does not imply the establishment of any type of commercial relationship between INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS CABELLO R, S.L. and the user. The User will be liable to INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS CABELLO R, S.L. or to third parties for any damages that may be caused as a result of non-compliance with this obligation. Access to the Portal is free of charge, and the user only has to pay the costs derived from the cost of access to the Network.


Fourth. Limitation of liability.
Although those responsible for the portal make every effort to ensure that the contents of the Portal or those of third parties included in it are free of any error, the owner of the Portal is not responsible for and does not guarantee their veracity, suitability or the consequences that may arise from their use.
The owner of the Portal is not responsible for the existence of viruses, worms, or any other equivalent element, and the user is solely responsible for providing the necessary mechanisms to prevent the verification of damage to their equipment or information systems. INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS CABELLO R, S.L. assumes no liability whatsoever for the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, access or use of the website, and,
in particular, for the following:

a. The existence of any access failure, causing an interruption, or of programming, related to the website and its operation, whatever its origin, any harmful element, or the intervention of a third party, as well as: server downtime, updating and accuracy of data, maintenance work, insufficient capacity to support the computer systems necessary for the use of the service offered, etc….

b. The carrying out of acts of unfair competition and unlawful advertising as a result of the transmission, dissemination, storage, availability, reception, obtaining or access to the website or its contents. The lack of truthfulness, accuracy, completeness, relevance and/or timeliness of the website or its contents.

c. The possible lack of suitability for the purposes or fulfilment of expectations that may be generated by the website or its contents.

Fifth: Intellectual property
The information used and displayed on the website, including the software, graphics, illustrations, names, logos and trademarks, is the property of INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS
S.L. is protected by International Intellectual and Industrial Property Laws and in particular by Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996 of 12 April 1996.

The website and its contents, which include, among others, texts, images, trademarks, trade names, logos, files of all kinds, buttons, colour combinations, as well as the structure, selection, arrangement and presentation of its materials and contents, as well as all software necessarily used in connection with the website, may contain confidential information or information protected by intellectual or industrial property rights in force or by any other law. Thus, unless otherwise indicated, INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS CABELLO R, S.L. is the owner and, where appropriate, the legitimate holder of the intellectual or industrial property rights over the Contents of the website and each of the elements created for the same, and does not grant any licence or right whatsoever over the aforementioned elements, except for the right to consult the website. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, of any of the contents is expressly prohibited.

It is also forbidden to copy, modify, create a derivative work, reverse engineer, reverse merge or in any other way attempt to find the source code, sell, attribute, sublicense or transfer in any way whatsoever any right relating to the software. Furthermore, it is also forbidden to modify the software or use modified versions of the software and, above all, when this is done in order to (without this list being exhaustive) obtain unauthorised access to the service and access the website by any means other than the interface provided by INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS CABELLO R, S.L.


Sixth: Links to the Portal
Links to the portal are permitted, but they must point directly to the homepage in full. In order to establish any other type of link, the interested party must have the written authorisation of the Portal administrators.
It is strictly forbidden, regardless of the type of link to the Portal, to establish frames or any other mechanism that allows the visualisation of the contents through a site other than the Portal.


Seventh – Use of the website
Within the limits established by law, the user assumes all legal responsibility derived from the incorrect, inappropriate or illicit use of the website, such as:

a) use any device, software, virus, malware, or routine to interfere or attempt to interfere with the proper working of the site,

b) the use of “phishing”, or impersonation of another person acting on your behalf,

c) the use of the website for advertising through the presence of links, on -line marketing or any other means that could involve the use of fraudulent advertising,

d) The publication of any content that is threatening or violent.


Ninth – Consent and Jurisdiction
The user agrees with the conditions described and assumes any type of legal responsibility should he/she fail to comply with the terms described herein. For any type of dispute aris ing from the use of the services offered or the contents of the Portal, the parties expressly waive any legal jurisdiction, the competent jurisdiction being the Courts and Tribunals of MADRID


Tenth – Validity of the conditions of use
The present conditions of use of the Portal are of an indefinite nature. However, INTERNACIONAL PELUCAS CABELLO R, S.L. reserves the right to unilaterally modify these
conditions whenever it deems appropriate. Any modification will come into force at the time it is
published on the initial web page of the Portal.